



  • Compatibility:
    Dart Sass
    since 1.45.0
    Node Sass

    Synchronously compiles the Sass file at path to CSS. If it succeeds it returns a CompileResult, and if it fails it throws an Exception.

    This only allows synchronous Importers and CustomFunctions.

    const sass = require('sass');

    const result = sass.compile("style.scss");


    • path: string
    • Optional options: Options<"sync">

    Returns CompileResult


  • Compatibility:
    Dart Sass
    since 1.45.0
    Node Sass

    Asynchronously compiles the Sass file at path to CSS. Returns a promise that resolves with a CompileResult if it succeeds and rejects with an Exception if it fails.

    This only allows synchronous or asynchronous Importers and CustomFunctions.

    ⚠️ Heads up!

    When using Dart Sass, compile is almost twice as fast as compileAsync, due to the overhead of making the entire evaluation process asynchronous.

    const sass = require('sass');

    const result = await sass.compileAsync("style.scss");


    • path: string
    • Optional options: Options<"async">

    Returns Promise<CompileResult>


  • Compatibility:
    Dart Sass
    since 1.45.0
    Node Sass

    Synchronously compiles a stylesheet whose contents is source to CSS. If it succeeds it returns a CompileResult, and if it fails it throws an Exception.

    This only allows synchronous Importers and CustomFunctions.

    const sass = require('sass');

    const result = sass.compileString(`
    h1 {
    font-size: 40px;
    code {
    font-face: Roboto Mono;


    Returns CompileResult


  • Compatibility:
    Dart Sass
    since 1.45.0
    Node Sass

    Asynchronously compiles a stylesheet whose contents is source to CSS. Returns a promise that resolves with a CompileResult if it succeeds and rejects with an Exception if it fails.

    This only allows synchronous or asynchronous Importers and CustomFunctions.

    ⚠️ Heads up!

    When using Dart Sass, compile is almost twice as fast as compileAsync, due to the overhead of making the entire evaluation process asynchronous.

    const sass = require('sass');

    const result = await sass.compileStringAsync(`
    h1 {
    font-size: 40px;
    code {
    font-face: Roboto Mono;


    Returns Promise<CompileResult>



OutputStyle: "expanded" | "compressed"

Possible output styles for the compiled CSS:

  • "expanded" (the default for Dart Sass) writes each selector and declaration on its own line.

  • "compressed" removes as many extra characters as possible, and writes the entire stylesheet on a single line.


StringOptions<sync>: StringOptionsWithImporter<sync> | StringOptionsWithoutImporter<sync>

Options that can be passed to compileString or compileStringAsync.

Type parameters


Syntax: "scss" | "indented" | "css"

Syntaxes supported by Sass:

  • 'scss' is the SCSS syntax.
  • 'indented' is the indented syntax
  • 'css' is plain CSS, which is parsed like SCSS but forbids the use of any special Sass features.

Custom Function


CustomFunction<sync>: (args: Value[]) => PromiseOr<Value, sync>

Type parameters

Type declaration

    • A callback that implements a custom Sass function. This can be passed to Options.functions.

      const result = sass.compile('style.scss', {
      functions: {
      "sum($arg1, $arg2)": (args) => {
      const value1 = args[0].assertNumber('arg1').value;
      const value2 = args[1].assertNumber('arg2')
      .convertValueToMatch(arg1, 'arg2', 'arg1');
      return new sass.SassNumber(value1 + value2).coerceToMatch(arg1);

      any - This function may throw an error, which the Sass compiler will treat as the function call failing. If the exception object has a message property, it will be used as the wrapped exception's message; otherwise, the exception object's toString() will be used. This means it's safe for custom functions to throw plain strings.


      Returns PromiseOr<Value, sync>

      The function's result. This may be in the form of a Promise, but if it is the function may only be passed to compileAsync and compileStringAsync, not compile or compileString.


ListSeparator: "," | "/" | " " | null

Possible separators used by Sass lists. The special separator null is only used for lists with fewer than two elements, and indicates that the separator has not yet been decided for this list.


sassFalse: SassBoolean

Sass's false value.


sassNull: Value

Sass's null value.


sassTrue: SassBoolean

Sass's true value.



PromiseOr<T, sync>: sync extends "async" ? T | Promise<T> : T

A utility type for choosing between synchronous and asynchronous return values.

This is used as the return value for plugins like CustomFunction, Importer, and FileImporter so that TypeScript enforces that asynchronous plugins are only passed to compileAsync and compileStringAsync, not compile or compileString.

Type parameters

  • T

  • sync: "sync" | "async"

    If this is 'sync', this can only be a T. If it's 'async', this can be either a T or a Promise<T>.


info: string

Information about the Sass implementation. This always begins with a unique identifier for the Sass implementation, followed by U+0009 TAB, followed by its npm package version. Some implementations include additional information as well, but not in any standardized format.

  • For Dart Sass, the implementation name is dart-sass.
  • For Node Sass, the implementation name is node-sass.
  • For the embedded host, the implementation name is sass-embedded.



LegacyAsyncFunction: (this: LegacyPluginThis, args: [LegacyValue[], (result: LegacyValue) => void]) => void

Type declaration

    • An asynchronous callback that implements a custom Sass function. This can be passed to LegacySharedOptions.functions, but only for render.

      An asynchronous function must return undefined. Its final argument will always be a callback, which it should call with the result of the function once it's done running.

      If this throws an error, Sass will treat that as the function failing with that error message.

      file: 'style.scss',
      functions: {
      "sum($arg1, $arg2)": (arg1, arg2, done) => {
      if (!(arg1 instanceof sass.types.Number)) {
      throw new Error("$arg1: Expected a number");
      } else if (!(arg2 instanceof sass.types.Number)) {
      throw new Error("$arg2: Expected a number");
      done(new sass.types.Number(arg1.getValue() + arg2.getValue()));
      }, (result, error) => {
      // ...

      This only works with the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use CustomFunction with compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.


      Returns void


LegacyAsyncImporter: (this: LegacyImporterThis, url: string, prev: string, done: (result: LegacyImporterResult) => void) => void

Type declaration

    • An asynchronous callback that implements custom Sass loading logic for @import rules and @use rules. This can be passed to LegacySharedOptions.importer for either render or renderSync.

      An asynchronous importer must return undefined, and then call done with the result of its LegacyImporterResult once it's done running.

      See LegacySharedOptions.importer for more detailed documentation.

      file: "style.scss",
      importer: [
      function(url, prev, done) {
      if (url != "big-headers") done(null);

      contents: 'h1 { font-size: 40px; }'

      This only works with the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use Importer with compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.


      • this: LegacyImporterThis
      • url: string

        The @use or @import rule’s URL as a string, exactly as it appears in the stylesheet.

      • prev: string

        A string identifying the stylesheet that contained the @use or @import. This string’s format depends on how that stylesheet was loaded:

        • If the stylesheet was loaded from the filesystem, it’s the absolute path of its file.
        • If the stylesheet was loaded from an importer that returned its contents, it’s the URL of the @use or @import rule that loaded it.
        • If the stylesheet came from the data option, it’s the string "stdin".
      • done: (result: LegacyImporterResult) => void

        The callback to call once the importer has finished running.

      Returns void


LegacyFunction<sync>: sync extends "async" ? LegacySyncFunction | LegacyAsyncFunction : LegacySyncFunction

A callback that implements a custom Sass function. For renderSync, this must be a LegacySyncFunction which returns its result directly; for render, it may be either a LegacySyncFunction or a LegacyAsyncFunction which calls a callback with its result.

See LegacySharedOptions.functions for more details.


This only works with the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use CustomFunction with compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.

Type parameters

  • sync: "sync" | "async"


LegacyImporter<sync>: sync extends "async" ? LegacySyncImporter | LegacyAsyncImporter : LegacySyncImporter

A callback that implements custom Sass loading logic for @import rules and @use rules. For renderSync, this must be a LegacySyncImporter which returns its result directly; for render, it may be either a LegacySyncImporter or a LegacyAsyncImporter which calls a callback with its result.

See LegacySharedOptions.importer for more details.


This only works with the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use Importer with compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.

Type parameters

  • sync = "sync" | "async"


LegacyImporterResult: { file: string } | { contents: string } | Error | null

The result of running a LegacyImporter. It must be one of the following types:

  • An object with the key contents whose value is the contents of a stylesheet (in SCSS syntax). This causes Sass to load that stylesheet’s contents.

  • An object with the key file whose value is a path on disk. This causes Sass to load that file as though it had been imported directly.

  • null, which indicates that it doesn’t recognize the URL and another importer should be tried instead.

  • An Error object, indicating that importing failed.


This only works with the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use ImporterResult with compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.


LegacyOptions<sync>: LegacyFileOptions<sync> | LegacyStringOptions<sync>

Options for render and renderSync. This can either be LegacyFileOptions to load a file from disk, or LegacyStringOptions to compile a string of Sass code.

See LegacySharedOptions for options that are shared across both file and string inputs.


This only works with the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use Options with compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.

Type parameters

  • sync: "sync" | "async"


LegacySyncFunction: (this: LegacyPluginThis, args: LegacyValue[]) => LegacyValue

Type declaration


LegacySyncImporter: (this: LegacyImporterThis, url: string, prev: string) => LegacyImporterResult

Type declaration

    • A synchronous callback that implements custom Sass loading logic for @import rules and @use rules. This can be passed to LegacySharedOptions.importer for either render or renderSync.

      See LegacySharedOptions.importer for more detailed documentation.

      file: "style.scss",
      importer: [
      function(url, prev) {
      if (url != "big-headers") return null;

      return {
      contents: 'h1 { font-size: 40px; }'

      This only works with the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use Importer with compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.


      • this: LegacyImporterThis
      • url: string

        The @use or @import rule’s URL as a string, exactly as it appears in the stylesheet.

      • prev: string

        A string identifying the stylesheet that contained the @use or @import. This string’s format depends on how that stylesheet was loaded:

        • If the stylesheet was loaded from the filesystem, it’s the absolute path of its file.
        • If the stylesheet was loaded from an importer that returned its contents, it’s the URL of the @use or @import rule that loaded it.
        • If the stylesheet came from the data option, it’s the string "stdin".

      Returns LegacyImporterResult


LegacyValue: Null | Number | String | Boolean | Color | List | Map

A type representing all the possible values that may be passed to or returned from a LegacyFunction.


This only works with the legacy render and renderSync APIs. Use Value with compile, compileString, compileAsync, and compileStringAsync instead.



  • This function synchronously compiles a Sass file to CSS. If it succeeds, it returns the result, and if it fails it throws an error.

    const sass = require('sass'); // or require('node-sass');

    const result = sass.renderSync({file: "style.scss"});
    // ...

    Use compile or compileString instead.


    Returns LegacyResult